Sunday, November 7, 2010

Jade: Bitemycrullers

I love "you tiaw". It's one of the things I look forward to before going home...Piping hot, crunchy chinese crullers...Savoured as is....dipped in congee..dunked in bak kut teh..spread with peanut butter...or better yet, soaked in 'lek dao suan'...I could go on..It's probably one the few things that can get me out of bed at 6 in the morning..a trip to the market with my mum, carrying bags of fresh produce...barely registering where I am...all so I can be rewarded with some freshly made crullers, complete with the comforting oily scent of anything deep fried.

You Tiaw~ I was shown how to do this by an auntie I met right in the middle of finals. She used only SR flour and water...I thought I'd be clever and use beer...mine look like anorexic crullers:( cést la vié. Beggars can't be choosers.

1 cup SR flour
water/ beer~ enough to yield a soft dough. I thought beer would give it a nice yeasty flavour and extra lift
Pinch of baking powder and bicarb
Salt, you tiaw isnt you tiaw if it isnt salty

1. Sift all the dry ingredients.well...all 3 of them..make a well in the centre, add liquid of choice
2. Mix gently until it comes together to form a soft dough
3. Cover and rest for about an hour
4. Heat up some oil..I used a small saucepan because it meant less oil..maybe that's why my crullers didn't puff up as much
5. Roll out the dough into a rectangle, divide into little sticks. Stack 2 pieces together and press down lengthwise down the centre with a chopstick
6. Stretch the dough pieces, drop them in the oil and fry over medium heat till golden brown and hopefully puffy
7. Leave to drain on a rack and enjoy with some steaming hot congee:)


  1. Looks good...but nobody here is going to make those - just hop over to town and buy, piping hot from the wok. LOL!!!

  2. Oh, but homesick people who are on the wrong side of the world like me will! Thanks, Jade. Your recipes are a life-saver.
