Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mars: Ninjin Shirishirii

I was watching TOKIO's 5LDK talk show when the cast of Majo Saiban were there to promote the drama. Main reason was because Ikuta Toma was there as one of the leads in Majo Saiban. The other lead was Higa Manami - also known from her work in Code Blue with Pi and Aragaki Yui~

One of the segments in 5LDK is they will get their guests to cook for them - something simple and what they would usually cook at home!


Back to the recipe!

'Ninjin' is carrot. And 'shirishirii' is grate in Okinawan Japanese! Thus, the name speaks for itself!

Grated Carrots!

Ingredients (for 2 people):

- 1 tbsp butter
- 3 large carrots
- 2 eggs
- salt and pepper to taste

How to?
1. Coarsely grate the carrots
2. Melt butter in pan (medium heat)
3. Throw carrots in and stir with chopsticks
4. Crack eggs into pan and stir - don't let the mixture clump!
5. Add salt and pepper to taste!

The butter brings out the natural sweetness of the carrots! Serve with whatever you like!

I had it with pan-fried portobello mushrooms, salmon and salad!

It's an awesome rice alternative for those who are trying to cut down on carbs!

Serve to hungry people rushing 3 assignments by next Monday! (T_T)v

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